Science Mine Discovery Center


科学矿的使命是为家庭提供一个有趣的环境, learn, invent, craft, recycle, build, think, play and be inspired by celebrating 艺术,工艺,工程,科学和技术在我们的社区. 我们的目标是通过利用我们天生的好奇心和对游戏的热爱来鼓励所有人的科学素养.

Located in the historic Sears Building, in the heart of Uptown Butte, the Science Mine provides hands-on, interactive exhibits that allow visitors, particularly children, 不仅要学习科学原理,还要批判性地思考,问“如果”会发生什么。. 如果我改变钟摆绳的长度会发生什么? What will be the effect if I spin the wheel faster; will the electrical current increase or decrease?

World Museum of Mining

世界矿业博物馆保存了一段迄今为止被忽视的美国历史. Chartered in 1964 as a non-profit educational corporation, the Museum first opened its doors in July 1965.

A faithful re-creation of an 1890s mining town, 这里有15座完整的历史建筑和大约35座由许多志愿者用旧材料建造的建筑,这些志愿者从20世纪60年代中期到80年代将博物馆建在一起.


了解孤儿女孩矿的历史和仍然可见的原始结构, 包括100英尺高的头框和葫芦屋, which houses exhibits as well as original equipment.


Mineral Museum

矿物博物馆位于菲律宾十大彩票平台大学校园内,拥有蒙大拿最精美的岩石和矿物标本, the world, and even outer space may be seen. 该博物馆最初是1901年获得的约200件标本的教学收藏, The museum has over 13,000 specimens, 1000 that are currently on display, a gift shop, and several exhibits that describe Montana's geology, earthquake activity, and local mining history.

Mai Wah Museum

迈华博物馆的使命是记录落基山脉亚洲人的历史. 博物馆位于西水星街17号的华创泰大厦及美华面馆大楼内.

The Mai Wah Society was established for educational, charitable, and scientific purposes, including research and public education about the history, culture, and conditions of Asian people in the Rocky Mountain West. The Society collects and preserves artifacts, preserves historic buildings and sites, presents public exhibits, 并支持学术和大众感兴趣的材料的研究和出版.

Learn more about the Mai Wah Museum.

Piccadilly Transportation Memorabilia Museum

皮卡迪利博物馆通过其收藏的纪念品来庆祝和保存汽车的黄金时代. 皮卡迪利博物馆(Piccadilly Museum)向公众展示了25年来由几个人收集的大量交通大事记,这些人去过世界上100多个国家.

博物馆包括大量的,有时是异国情调的高速公路和地铁标志展品, license plates, vintage cars, advertising art, and assorted petroliana from around the world.

Learn more about the Piccadilly Transportaiont Memorabilia Museum.

Copper King Mansion

The Copper King Mansion, was one of the homes owned by William Andrews Clark, one of Montana's three famous copper kings. 这是一座拥有34个房间的维多利亚式罗马式复兴建筑,建于1884年至1888年. 铜王府自1953年以来一直为私人所有和经营. 这座房子在2012年进行了修复,现在是一家提供住宿和早餐的酒店. Guided tours are also available. The home features fresco painted ceilings, elegant parquet floors of rare imported wood, gas and electric chandeliers, ornate hand-carved fireplaces and stairways, and stained-glass windows.

Learn more about the Copper King Mansion.